Masons of Yorkshire- 10 years on the Gin Rollercoaster

Karl and Cathy could never have imagined the incredible journey they were embarking on when they launched Masons of Yorkshire on World Gin Day back in June 2013. The distillery was the first to open in Yorkshire, right at the start of the gin boom that has swept across the UK and beyond.

Since then, they have experienced the highs and lows of running a business being totally absorbed in the brands growth and guiding their company through fire, pestilence and war, as well as receiving over 180 awards, hosting prime minister visits, and even receiving invitations to Buckingham Palace.
Masons of Yorkshire was part of a small group of brands that pioneered the gin boom, giving confidence to others and helping more than 60 other distilleries to open in the county.
As Karl points out, "A lot of the gins on the market today are not really gin, they are just flavoured alcohol, claiming to be gin to cash in on the gin boom. We take a different approach, we never went pink. We distill our gins with the juniper and other botanicals for a pure, authentic taste, we never add any flavour that hasn’t been distilled.”

To mark the 10 year anniversary, Masons of Yorkshire are releasing a special edition gin, with the star of the show being juniper. The gin features two different varieties of juniper, distilled three ways: pot still, vapour basket, and vacuum distillation. It's bottled at 52% ABV, 10% higher in ABV than the original edition, fitting for a 10th anniversary celebration and the perfect strength to deliver a juniper hit.
Masons of Yorkshire has not only produced exceptional gin, but has also played a significant role in the growth of the gin industry in Yorkshire, setting a standard for quality and authenticity. Masons dedication to their craft has been recognised with numerous awards and as the gin boom continues, we can look back at the incredible journey of Masons of Yorkshire and raise a glass to our continued success.