Ethical Trading
Masons Of Yorkshire Ltd is committed to high ethical standards in the way we conduct our business. We expect high levels of integrity from all of our employees in all aspects of their working lives.
This Policy expresses the standards concerning; safe and fair working conditions for employees, responsible management of social and environmental issues within the Company and the international supply chain.
As a company we support organisations in upholding human rights principles, wherever we operate. Although there is no definitive consensus on the boundaries of corporate responsibility in respect of human rights, we need to ensure that we are not involved in human rights violations, either directly or indirectly and that we operate in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and take account of other internationally accepted human rights standards, e.g. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Core Conventions.

In addition to this we should promote human rights through our employment policies and practices, through our supply chain and through the responsible use of our products and services. The promotion of human rights through our business activities forms part of our broader objective to be a leader in corporate responsibility.
In choosing the businesses we wish to develop long term partnerships with, we have established key principles which we would expect these businesses to adhere to. These have been based on the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, and we consider them to be fundamental to our Ethical Trading Policy.
Our Key Principles
Employment is freely chosen.
Freedom of association is respected.
Working conditions are safe and hygienic, including safe housing where appropriate.
Child labour shall not be used.
Living wages are paid in line with local law.
Working hours are not excessive.
Discrimination is not practised.
Regular employment is provided.
No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.