What can be achieved in 10 days…

Afternoon everyone,
Following our disastrous fire at the distillery on 2nd April (how we wish it had just been an April fools), life has been a roller coaster here at Masons Yorkshire Gin. To share this with our fantastic followers and customers we thought we would document the milestones we achieve. So welcome to ‘The Mason’s Phoenix – A Journal’.
We’ve had offers of help from distillers nationwide, bacon sandwiches courtesy of Bedale Golf Club, flowers from the team at Fever-Tree, stationary from Wessex Foods, and office furniture from the lovely people of Bedale. However, the biggest prize has to go to our fantastic staff, the team are showing no sign of slowing down, they’ve tackled each hurdle that’s come their way to continue with their passion of producing Masons Yorkshire Gin. After spending a week all working from our dining table at home, we’re now based out of a temporary offices in Bedale Hall, where it’s all hands on deck! We’ve even got Mousey the dog giving us a hand in the office, and picking rubbish out of the bins!
Luckily we had a new still on order (Big Steve), due for delivery soon – Once we get him set up somewhere (we have somewhere in mind) we will be distilling ourselves again and have some great new flavours that we can’t wait to share with you!
Oh and today we received our latest award certificates from the American Distilling institute, 2 Silvers and 1 Bronze medal!
Karl, Cathy Mason & The Masons Yorkshire Gin Team.